Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Toy Storage and Organiation

Hi All

I don't have a card for you today, but I did want to share my new toy storage/organization that I've been working on. I am so excited to do this with all my kids toys. It should save us a ton of space.

So first I picked a theme. This bin's theme is Transportation. I went through my girls toys and found all of their trains, cars, trucks and boats.

Transportation Bin

Each toy that has many parts or more than one of something were separated in to their own bins. I took pictures of the toys and labeled the bins on the outside and the inside. In theory this should make it easier for them to pick up. It also just keeps everything organized instead of having one big pile of toys in the middle of the room.

Label on the outside with picture and words
Label on the inside with picture and words
All the bins, trucks and boat fit in the large blue bin and is in our living room. These are toys that are readily available for the girls to play with whenever they wish. The nice thing is we don't have to have a living-room full of toys. They are put away nicely and out of the way.

When they are board with the transportation bin, I will switch it out with a new one. I am thinking a baby bin. With some baby doll, clothes, bottles... Anything baby dolls need that will fit in a big blue bin. The transportation bin can be easily stored in our crawlspace ready to be rotated in at a later time.

I am super excited about this and hope I can keep it going. When I'm done it will make my house so much neater and hopefully keep the girls interested in their "new" old toys.

FYI: I am hoping to create a new card while my girls napping so come back soon!

Happy Creating!

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