Saturday, March 24, 2012

Create Crate

Hello All

I've been busy organizing my kids stuff, deciding what it's time to get rid of and what we are going to keep. I started with their art supplies. Since they are little artists like myself, this was defiantly something we needed to keep. I just needed an organized way to keep them all together and make them accessible for the girls whenever they decided to be creative.

I found an idea on Pinterest (of course) that I liked from It's not exact, but I did use her name "Create Crate" so I wanted to credit her.

My Create Crate has Markers, Crayons, Scrap Paper and Glue Sticks. Here is a picture of the supplies. I did add one more container with Twisty Crayons after I took this picture, but  you get the idea.

Art Supplies

I did not use Stampin' Up! paper for this project, because let's be honest, this most likely will not last forever. I do not want to waist my awesome SU paper on something that could be destroyed by next week. Besides I have a ton of NON SU paper that I need to use up, so it might as well be on the kiddo's. By all means if you would like to use Stampin' Up! paper for your kid projects, please do. If you would like to place an order you can do so from my website

First, I covered each container (except the green one) with bright, colorful paper that the girls liked. Two of the containers are peanut butter jars, one is a frosting container and the little one is a kids yogurt cup. I have no idea where the green one came from. ;) Then I used foam letter stickers to label each container.

I did the same thing with the Create Crate. Here is a picture of everything together

Create Crate

It all fits, including the container with the twisty crayons that I added after the fact. It was a big hit last night. Here is what they came up with.

Create Crate Creations
This idea isn't just for kids. You can do this with your own craft supplies. So go ahead,  make your own Create Crate!

Happy Creating!

1 comment:

  1. You got the green container from Pat. I have the same one!
