Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day All!

I started my day with an awesome workout followed by a very bad for me lunch. Hope you are having a fun day as well.

In celebration of this lovely holiday, I am sharing some of the Valentines cards I made for my class and for my family and friends.

Sweet Pressed Cookie Stamp (heart)
 I severed these yummy sugar cookies before class started. They were a hit.


This is my favorite one out of all of them I made. It just screams VALENTINE!

Be Mine
This one is clean and simple. I also made one like this that says Happy Birthday. Hearts don't always have to mean Valentine.

Two Hearts
This one was a big hit. I'm so glad I went to my last down-line meeting. That is where I learned how to do this super cute/super easy bow. I just love the color combos. This one would also be cute for an Anniversary card.

Lots of Love
This is one of the cards I made to send out to friends who "liked" my SU Facebook page. It was a fun way to get people to check out my page.

Be Mine Valentine
This is a case. We made one very similar at our last down-line meeting. I couldn't resist the paper or the stamp. Too cute!

Heart to Heart

 This is just another card I created to send out to my family. It's hard to see, but the card is actually white with a red layer on top. 

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